As a service provider for the market operators and clearing agencies in the energy industry, OeKB conducts various risk management and financial clearing activities. In addition, OeKB can manage cash deposits and settlement accounts for market participants.

Financial Clearing

OeKB has been commissioned to conduct the financial clearing for the clearing agencies for balancing energy (A&B, AGCS and  APCS), the clearing and settlement agency for green electricity (OeMAG).

Financial clearing comprises booking, invoicing, calculating and managing collateral, as well as the settling of payments.

The clearing agencies, as well as the energy exchange, provide all master and invoice data. OeKB determines and books the debits and credits on the basis of this data.

Details on Risk Management and Clearing

You can find details on the clearing agencies’ websites:

Risk Management

Collateral Management

The clearing agencies A&B, AGCS, APCS and OeMAG require collateral, according to their market rules, from the market participants in order to meet their payment obligations. OeKB constantly recalculates the required value of the collateral, manages it and realises it in the event of non-payment.

Credit Assessment

OeKB evaluates the economic situation, company structure, financial status, and personnel situation of the market participants with a credit assessment. The assessment is based on the audited annual financial statements of the last two fiscal years and ongoing observation of the market.
There are credit classes: 1 to 5, where class 5 is assigned to companies with the lowest credit rating. A good credit rating can lead to lower collateral requirements.

Collateral Deposit and Account Management

Depending on the clearing agency, abstract guarantees, bank guarantees, securities, and cash deposit accounts can be kept as collateral. As an additional service for market participants, OeKB offers cash deposit accounts and clearing accounts.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions or are interested in a cash deposit or settlement account with OeKB, please contact us.
Energy Market Services
T +43 1 53127-2060