Data security is very important to us. That also includes classifying all company data according to our internal IT security guidelines. Therefore, all documents and e-mails are labeled.

Classification levels

The following classification levels are used to classify company data. These correspond to the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP). This is a standardised international agreement for the exchange of sensitive information (see also

Classification level Description
Strictly confidential

Highly sensitive information that may only be shared with a very limited circle of named and explicitly authorised persons.  

TLP1: Red


Sensitive information that may only be accessible to a limited and explicitly defined, dynamically changeable group of people.

TLP: Amber Strict


Information that is not intended for the public and can be made available to OeKB employees or qualified business partners if required.

TLP: Amber, Green


Information that is intentionally released for general publication or can be accessed publicly.

TLP: Clear

Privacy Policy

Comprehensive information on the subject of data protection.