For spot trading with electricity and gas, OeKB also offers small energy companies the General Clearing Member Service, connecting them with the ECC, the European Commodity Clearing. We are the only Austrian GCM with a high credit standing and a low level of risk.
Your situation
You want to trade with the ECC’s partner exchanges on the spot markets for electricity and gas or are interested in market access for the purchase of German national emissions certificates (nEZ). As a Non-Clearing Member (NCM), you need the service of a General Clearing Member (GCM).
Our service:
GCM service with high credit standing and a low level of risk
We offer our customers the GCM service for trading in gas and electricity on the spot markets. Energy companies with low volumes also benefit from our service. We are the only GCM in Austria with such a low level of risk because of our high credit standing and longstanding market experience. Since 2021 OeKB offers access for the purchase of German national emissions certificates (nEZ).
Payment settlement and collateral management
We offer our customers account management for settlement and cash collateral accounts, collateral management and depositing as well as the handling of daily financial clearing with the ECC. In this capacity, OeKB stands between the ECC and the NCM and takes over the risk for the NCM in its dealings with the ECC.
OeKB as a General Clearing Member
OeKB operates on spot markets as a General Clearing Member (GCM) with the ECC: Europe's major clearing house for energy and energy-related products, providing clearing services to its partner exchanges.
Includes the clearing for ECC’s partner exchanges
· EEX (European Energy Exchange)
Your benefits
The OeKB has an excellent creditworthiness.
As your GCM, OeKB takes over your risk as an NCM.
OeKB’s specialist knowledge of exchanges benefits your business.
Costs and commissioning
As the costs for OeKB’s GCM services depend on the NCM and the situation, we create individual offers based on the credit rating, service required, volume traded and limits set.