Domestic hotels with high overnight rates from foreign guests can also take advantage of the favorable financing provided by the Exportinvest program. With "Exportinvest Hotel", OeKB supports the construction or expansion of hotels with an investment volume of more than EUR 2 million.

Your situation

You are an Austrian hotel and are planning a new building, an expansion or a renovation of your business. You would like to invest at least 2 million euros and are looking for financing. 

Attractive financing for Austrian Hotel companies

Austrian hotel companies with a high proportion of foreigners can finance the construction or extensions of their hotels on favorable terms with Exportinvest Hotel.

Important conditions for Exportinvest Hotel

  • Export quota of more than 20%
    For hotels, the export quota corresponds to the proportion of foreigners staying overnight.
  • Investment of at least 2 million euros
  • Investment costs can be financed up to your export quota, rounded down in steps of 10
  • Duration up to 18 years
    For maturities over 10.5 years, the fee is 25 instead of 20 basis points.

Contact us!

If you would like more detailed information or individual advice, do not hesitate to contact us!
Client Advisory Export Services
T +43 1 53127-2600


Client Advisory Export Services
T +43 1 53127-2600
An OeKB Service on behalf of