Since the liberalisation of Austria’s electricity and gas markets, market operators and clearing agencies rely on OeKB’s knowledge for financial clearing and risk management. Non-Clearing Members (NCM) rely on OeKB as a General Clearing Member (GCM) for clearing at the ECC, the European Commodity Clearing.

GCM service for clearing with the ECC

As a General Clearing Member (GCM) of the European Commodity Clearing (ECC), OeKB offers Non-Clearing Members (NCM) its services for spot trading with electricity and gas.

Clearing and Risk Management

OeKB conducts financial clearing and provides risk management services for the energy market operators and clearing agencies.

Settlementbank Services

Wir sind als Settlementbank an der eSett zugelassen und unterstützen so unsere Kunden bei ihren Handelstätigkeiten am Strommarkt in den nordischen Märkten Dänemark, Finnland, Norwegen und Schweden.

Energy clearing with OeKB

Smooth and cost-efficient handling on the Austrian energy market.

The participants on the Austrian energy market benefit from OeKB’s smooth handling - the market operators, as well as NCM, that rely upon OeKB as a GCM. Cost-efficient settlement ultimately benefit all consumers. The environment also benefits from an attractive alternative energy support system, the success of which OeKB has also contributed to with its expertise.

With our energy clearing services, we are a service provider for Austria’s clearing agencies for electricity and gas (AGCS, APCS and A&B), and the clearing and settlement agency for green electricity (OeMAG).

The Websites of the Austrian Clearing Agencies

A&B Ausgleichsenergie & Bilanzgruppen-Management AG 

AGCS Gas Clearing and Settlement AG

APCS Power Clearing and Settlement AG

OeMAG Abwicklungsstelle für Ökostrom AG


On behalf of these institutions, we handle payment transactions for the debits and credits of the market participants (financial clearing), manage risks, and conduct credit assessments for margin calculations.


Highly proficient GCM Services

For Non-Clearing Members (NCM), we offer GCM services for the spot trading of electricity and gas cleared by the ECC (European Commodity Clearing) and provide market access for the purchase of German national emissions certificates (nEZ). The ECC is one of Europe's major clearing houses, handling the settlement for numerous energy exchanges. As NCMs require a GCM as a partner in order to participate, we maintain accounts for Non-Clearing Members and handle payment transactions. Collateral and risk management are also part of our GCM services.

European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC)

The advantages

Many years of experience and expertise in financial clearing on the energy market

A high degree of competence in risk management and credit assessments

Impartiality towards all market participants thanks to independent experts


Contact us if you are looking for a reliable GCM with an outstanding credit rating. We will be happy to help you.
Energy Market Services
T +43 1 53127-2060