Legal notice for the web presence of OeKB as well as it's company profile on
Disclosure pursuant to section 25 Austrian Media Act and to section 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act
1. Service Provider, Publisher and Media Owner
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (OeKB)
Registered Office: 1010 Vienna, Am Hof 4
Tel. +43 1 53127-0
Austrian Bank Code: 10.000
Commercial Registry Number: FN 85749b, Commercial Court of Vienna
VAT-ID No.: ATU15350402
LEI: 5299000OVRLMF858L016
Authorization: Licensed Credit Institution in accordance with Section 1 of the Austrian Banking Act
2. Applicable commercial and professional law regulations
The activities of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft are subject, in particular, to the Austrian Banking Act (BWG), the Export Financing Guarantee Act (AFFG), the Export Guarantee Act (AusfFG) and the Export Guarantee Regulation. These regulations can be accessed at:
3. Board of Directors
Helmut Bernkopf, Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger
4. Supervisory Board
5. Shareholders, Participations
on the shareholders
on the participations
6. Basic nature of content
The web presence of OeKB is a public and current medium for the external presentation of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft, for information about its products and services, and for the provision of online access to its web services.
7. Supervisory authority
Financial Market Authority (FMA), 1090 Vienna, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, Austria,
8. Membership
Chamber of Commerce Vienna, 1045 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, Austria,
9. Copyright
All rights reserved. The contents and structure of the OeKB web presence are protected by copyright. Reproduction of texts, portions of text, information, data and image material, including storage and usage on optical and electronic media, is only allowed as agreed by contract or with the prior written consent of the Oesterreichsiche Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft. The use of data, including the insertion of this data into online services, databases or websites by unauthorised third persons is prohibited.
10. Image rights
Licensed resources from the following photographers and image databases are used on the OeKB website and on OeKB's own landing pages. This includes the use of static image material as well as in the form of moving images (video):
Christina Häusler, Christian Steinbrenner, David Sailer, Getty Images and Westend61
11. Disclaimer
While the information on the websites of OeKB is continuously checked to ensure it is up to date, complete and correct, it is possible for errors to occur or for content to have changed in the meantime. We are therefore unable to guarantee that the information on the websites of OeKB is up to date, complete and correct; neither can we accept any liability for loss or damage resulting from incorrect or delayed contents or actions that are carried out in reliance of the content being correct. The information contained in this website or related documents is for informational purposes only and does not represent any form of legal or investment advice.
12. Links
OeKB does not check websites that can be accessed via the websites of OeKB (links) in terms of their content or lawfulness. OeKB has no influence over the design of these websites and distances itself explicitly from all, possibly unlawful, content presented there. The creation of links to these websites is at the user’s own risk. OeKB does not accept any liability for the content of these websites.
13. Changes
OeKB reserves the right to change or amend the information provided without prior notification.