With OeKB, you can use numerous services online: from mandatory notifications and the filing of documents to requests for accurate financial data. Should you need any further data, we would be pleased to provide you with individually compiled data feeds.
Notifications and filing documents
Here you can find an overview of all online services for making notifications and filing documents. In order to use the OeKB online services, you must register just once and log in.
Registration for notifications and filing documents
Notifications to the new-issue calendar under Sec. 24 Capital Markets Act
You must report planned issues to the OeKB Notification Office at the earliest opportunity.
Online Notification Office via my.oekb
Notification of listed issuers under the Stock Exchange Act
As an Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM), OeKB operates the central storage system for regulated information that listed issuers have to send in accordance with the Stock Exchange Act.
OAM Issuer Info Upload via my.oekb
Notification of tax data on funds
Under the Investment Fund Act and the Real Estate Investment Fund Act, you must report the tax data of funds to the Notification Office.
Funds Upload Client via my.oekb
Exchange of FundsXML data
You make notifications for the exchange of portfolio data and for supervisory notifications in the standardised FundsXML format.
Reporting of fund measures
In order to meet Sec. 133 Investment Fund Act and Sec. 34 Real Estate Investment Fund Act, you must promptly report fund measures.
Funds Upload Client via my.oekb
Filing of fund documents
Under the Investment Fund Act and the Real Estate Investment Fund Act, you must deposit fund documents with the Notification Office.
Transmission and Deposit System (TDS) of the Online Notification Office via my.oekb
ISIN allocation
You can easily order ISIN from OeKB online.
LEI allocation
When you order LEI from WM Datenservice, you will get OeKB expertise for the Austrian market.
WM LEI PORTAL (WM Datenservice)
Participating in auctions of Austrian government bonds
If you are licensed as a primary dealer at the auction of Austrian government bonds, you can log into the electronic auction system ADAS.
Our range of data
Extensive data flow together at OeKB, in its capacity as the Notification Office under the Capital Markets Act, and as a central financial hub. You have access to a large part of the data material via existing online services. If you need additional data or combinations of data tailored to your needs, we will be happy to make you a customised data offer.
Tailor-made data on securities, funds and issuers
Access extensive data on securities, funds and issuers after registering via the OeKB Profitweb. Please contact the Securities Data Service Centre for more information. We will make you an individual offer.
ISIN directory
Search and find all newly issued ISIN in Austria comfortably via the ISIN directory on profitweb.at, the financial data portal of OeKB.
ISIN directory in OeKB Profitweb
Income tax treatment of funds / capital gains tax reporting funds
On my.oekb, you will find free information on the tax data of all capital gains tax reporting funds.
Capital gains tax reporting funds via my.oekb
Price data on funds
Access the fund price data on my.oekb.
Price data for funds via my.oekb
Portfolio data and data for supervisory notifications (FundsXML)
You can find FundsXML data after registration on OeKB Fund Data Portal.
OeKB Fund Data Portal (via OeKB Login Portal)
Fund measures
Find out about all notified fund measures free of charge on the OAM Issuer Info.
Other fund data
You can find fund data such as key performance and risk figures, fund volumes, etc. after registering in Fundsdata Plus. Please contact the Funds Service Centre for more information. We will make you an offer.
Fund documents
You can get information about deposited documents for Austrian funds in the Online Notification Office. The service is free of charge.
Prospectus and KIID website of the Online Notification Office
New-issue calendar under Sec. 24 Capital Markets Act
You can inquire about all planned offers of securities and investments in Austria free of charge at the Online Notification Office.
Notifications of listed issuers
You can access all notifications that issuers send under the Stock Exchange Act to OeKB as an Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM) free of charge.
LEI database
You can search for LEI on the website of WM Datenservice free of charge.