
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) react to the current developments in Ukraine and suspend cover for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus with immediate effect.

In view of the current developments in Ukraine and the unforeseeable consequences, cover for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is suspended.
With immediate effect, no applications for export or investment guarantees can be submitted for these countries. The activation of existing preliminary commitment is also not possible until further notice.
OeKB's team of experts is keeping a close eye on further developments. Any changes to the procedure will be announced immediately.

About OeKB Group

The companies of OeKB Group with their more than 500 employees provide essential and relevant services for the Austrian export industry, the capital market and the tourism industry, offer services for the energy market and are part of the Austrian development financing. All its activities have a clear economic benefit, strengthen Austria as a business location and support Austria's economy in global competition. OeKB acts in a competitively neutral, cross-sectoral and sustainably responsible manner.