Please find here the data privacy information for participation in surveys
using the “SurveyMonkey” tool, as well as the associated processing of
personal data.

Data privacy information for participation in surveys using the “SurveyMonkey” tool

Information about the processing of personal data in connection with the use of the “SurveyMonkey” tool is set out below:

Please also see our Privacy Policy.

The following entity is responsible for data collection and processing for the purpose of surveys:

Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft 
Am Hof 4 
1010 Vienna 
Tel: +43 1 53 127-0
Fax: +43 1 53127-5262 

The OeKB Data Protection Officer is: 
Harald Sommer 
Strauchgasse 3 
1010 Vienna 
Tel: +43 1 53 127 -2366 

OeKB uses the “SurveyMonkey” tool of service provider Momentive Europe UC, 2 Shelbourne Buildings, Second Floor, Shelbourne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Irland, a subsidiary of Momentive Inc., One Curiosity Way, San Mateo, CA 94403, USA, for the organisation, performance, review and development of surveys.

Momentive Europe UC, with whom OeKB has entered into a data processing agreement under Article 28 of the GDPR, acts as our processor. 

The collection and transmission of personal data is required to a limited extent (e.g. your IP address) to perform the survey. OeKB will receive the results of any survey exclusively in anonymised, aggregated form, making it impossible for anyone to infer the answers of any specific person.

Moreover, no personal data (e.g. name, e-mail address of the participant) will be collected from persons participating in surveys. You are kindly asked to refrain from entering any personal or transaction-related data in your answers within the scope of a survey.

Automated decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR is not used.

Note: If you go to the Internet page ( of the “SurveyMonkey” tool, the operator of the website will be responsible for data processing. 

Please also note that, in the course of performing surveys, Momentive Europe UC will collect and process personal data for their own purposes as controller under data protection legislation as well. OeKB is in no position to influence the processing of such personal data by Momentive Europe UC. More detailed information on this topic is available under 
Privacy Notice | SurveyMonkey, section 3. How we use the data we capture?

For more information about data privacy and data security in the “SurveyMonkey” tool, please use the following links: 
Terms of Use | SurveyMonkey
Privacy Basics | SurveyMonkey
Privacy Notice | SurveyMonkey 

The legal basis for the processing of personal data during surveys for the purpose of organising, performing, reviewing and developing surveys is the overriding legitimate interest of OeKB under Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR in obtaining feedback regarding the object of the relevant survey (e.g. events, products, initiatives), in deducing optimisation and development potentials therefrom, and in evaluating the effectiveness of any measures taken.

In the course of the survey, personal data (e.g. your IP address) may be collected – to a limited extent – and transmitted to sub-processors in third countries by Momentive Europe UC.
OeKB has concluded a data processing agreement under Art 28 GDPR with Momentive Europe UC, which includes the standard data protection clauses of the EU pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR. If Momentive Europe UC transmits your personal data to a third country within the scope of subcontractor relationships, Momentive Europe UC guarantees that an adequate level of protection will be in place based on an adequacy decision under Art. 45 GDPR or suitable guarantees within the meaning of Art. 46 GDPR.

As a data subject (survey participant), you have the right of access to and rectification of your personal data, erasure or restriction of the processing of your stored personal data, a right to object to the processing, as well as a right to data portability, in accordance with the requirements of data protection law at any time, if applicable. Moreover, you may lodge a complaint to the Austrian Data Protection Authority [Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde].

OeKB will receive the results of any survey exclusively in anonymised, aggregated form. Therefore, according to information provided by Momentive Europe UC, if said “anonymisation function” is selected, no personal data that was collected for the purposes of OeKB as controller under data protection law will be processed and stored by our processor Momentive Europe UC.

Other information that is processed in connection with surveys (e.g. the e-mail invitation to participate in a survey) will be stored for as long as this is required for the purposes defined, taking into account any statutory retention periods. Subject to any statutory retention periods, personal data will generally be stored for a maximum period of two years after performance of the relevant survey.