As a central financing and information service provider, the OeKB Group plays a special role in Austria’s business location. Subsidiaries complement the wide-ranging services with their highly specialised expertise while company holdings round off the broad portfolio.

Transparent Gif

ACREDIA Versicherung AG

ACREDIA is Austria’s leading credit insurer. By providing professional risk management, ACREDIA encourages business action and secures receivables around the world. ACREDIA Versicherung AG is owned 100% by OeKB EH Beteiligungs- und Management AG, which is a subsidiary of the Oesterreichischen Kontrollbank AG (51%) and Euler Hermes AG (49%), Hamburg.

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB)

As the development bank for the Republic of Austria, the OeKB finances sound business and development investments for private companies in developing and emerging countries. In these markets, where financing is frequently not accessible, OeEB provides customers with individualised loans and long-term equity capital. OeEB’s projects help strengthen the private sector and is also an important part of the Austrian development cooperation work. Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG is a 100% owned subsidiary of Oesterreichischen Kontrollbank AG and has been in operation since March 2008.


OeKB CSD GmbH is Austria’s Central Securities Depository for securities and is 100% owned by the Oesterreichischen Kontrollbank AG. As a local provider of infrastructure with the highest standards of quality, it offers comprehensive services for capital market participants. This includes, in particular, holding and managing securities and efficient accounting for securities transactions. Financial institutions and Austrian issuers benefit equally from the proven expertise of OeKB CSD GmbH.

CCP Austria (CCP.A)

CCP Austria has been mandated by the Vienna Stock Exchange with the secure and reliable clearing and settlement of eligible exchange transactions. As a capital market infrastructure, CCP Austria guarantees a proper and transparent clearing and settlement of completed transactions on the Vienna Stock Exchange. As a central counter party, CCP.A assumes or manages the fulfilment and default risk for transactions on the Vienna Stock Exchange. CCP.A is equally owned by the Vienna Stock Exchange and Oesterreichischen Kontrollbank AG, and has been active since 2005. CCP Austria has been authorised according to the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) and has been under supervision of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) since 14 August 2014.

Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank Gesellschaft m.b.H (OeHT)

Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank Ges.m.b.H. (ÖHT) has been the national focal point for subsidies and financing for Austria's tourism and leisure industry since 1947 and handles the federal government's promotion of tourism on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism. This opportunity in particular offers small and medium-sized companies the chance to set the decisive lever for the development of desirable projects and to survive tough competition. ÖHT can be seen as a "PPP model" (Public Private Partnership). The company is owned by OeKB (68.75%) and Raiffeisen ÖHT Beteiligungs GmbH (31.25%) but operates exclusively on behalf of the public sector.

All direct and indirect OeKB AG holdings

Name and headquarters  Capital shares in %
OeKB EH Beteiligungs- und Management AG, Vienna 51.00

OeKB EH Beteiligungs- und Management AG holds 100 % shares in Acredia Versicherung AG.

Acredia Services is held 100 % by Acredia.

Name and headquarters  Capital shares in %
CCP Austria Abwicklungsstelle für Börsengeschäfte GmbH, Vienna 50.00
Wiener Börse AG, Vienna 6.60


Name and headquarters  Capital shares in %
OeKB Zentraleuropa Holding GmbH, Vienna 100.00
Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA GmbH, Vienna 1.00
Österreichische Wertpapierdaten Service GmbH 1.00