OeKB Group's companies provide central infrastructure services for Austria's export industry and the capital market. With numerous online systems we handle these business processes efficiently and offer you easy and convenient access to our services - summarised in the OeKB Service Platform (my.oekb and Login Portal).
OeKB Service Platform (my.oekb und Login Portal)
Online Services on my.oekb.at
You will find the following services on my.oekb.at:
OeKB Export Services
- Price Indication for Export Guarantees
- Interest Rate Indication for Financing
- Submit applications
- Manage contracts
OeKB Capital Market Services
Issuer Information
Securities Information
Information on funds
Notification platform
Tailor-made range of data
Online Services via the Login Portal
You can access the following services via the Login Portal:
- Account Information
- ADAS (Austrian Direct Auction System)
- Swift Service Bureau
- Asset Servicing Client
- Settlement Client
Documents on the OeKB Service Platform
- Service Platform Ordering/Withdrawal of Administrators
- OeKB Serviceplattform Nutzungsbedingungen (my.oekb und Login Portal)
- OeKB Service Platform Conditions of Use
- OeKB Login Portal Benutzerhandbuch
- OeKB Login Portal Benutzerverwaltung
- Bestätigung der Bevollmächtigung OeKB Online Services Bevollmächtigter Dienstleister
- OeKB Serviceplattform Preisblatt Benutzerverwaltung
- OeKB Service Platform Price Sheet User Administration