OeKB AG plays a central role in the Austrian economy, both for the export industry and in capital markets, for which OeKB AG also performs statutory functions. OeKB AG also processes export guarantees and issues government bonds on behalf of the Republic of Austria. OeKB AG is the second-biggest Austrian issuer in international capital markets after the Republic of Austria, and offers market players central infrastructure services and financial data.

Financial Report ESEF (iXBRL)

Financial Report (PDF)

All current OeKB reports & key indicators

Key data at a glance

Company form Public limited company
Registered office Vienna
Year of establishment 1946
Shareholder structure

Austrian commercial banks

Board of Directors

Helmut Bernkopf
Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger
Organisational chart

Headcount (as at 2023) 520
Balance sheet total as at 31.12.2023 35 bn. euro
Pre-tax profit 2023 81 mill. euro

Key indicators since 2018

EUR million (unless differently mentioned) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total assets at 31 December 28,714 33,352 35,516 33,271 33,613 35,042
The Group’s equity capital 791 808 821 866 901 922
Profit before tax* 41 66.9 62.7 89 71 81
Total comprehensive income for the year 27 39 46 78 68 55
Return on equity in %** 3.4 4.8 5.5 9.1 7.7 6.0
Cost/income ratio in %* 61.6 61.0 55.7 50.0 53.3 56.1

*Beginning in 2012, stated net of deferred up-front premiums.

** RoE = (Total comprehensive income, attributable to the owners of the parent Company/equity, attributable to the owners of the parent company)

EUR million (except lines beginning with "Number of") 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of guarantees in place 5,897 6,092 6,427 6,425 6,386 6,237
Number of new guarantee contracts issued 1,033 1,159 1,264 1,054 1,012 1,016
Aggregate guarantee exposure limit at 31 December 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Utilisation of the guarantee exposure limit at 31 December 26,431 28,031 30,722 28,168 29,253 29,409
New guarantee contracts issued 5,720 6,169 7,478 3,972 6,225 6,554
Premium and interest income* 154 149 164 168 172 181
Gross claims paid by the Guarantor 39 50 47 32 65 125
Recoveries on claims paid 41 39 35 33 32 51

* Beginning in 2012, this item reflects accrual-basis accounting for up-front premiums (i.e., premiums are recognised in the period in which they are earned)

EUR million 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New commitments issued 7,600 5,818 7,573 2,942 5,804 6,575
Total lending commitments outstanding at 31 December 23,174 25,212 27,516 25,373 25,754 26,175
Disbursements outstanding 19,901 21,519 23,075 21,791 22,130 22,026
     Loan funds disbursed 6,243 4,488 5,244 2,834 5,052 5,078
     Repayments received 3,881 2,869 3,688 4,118 4,712 5,182
Increase/(decrease) in net loans outstanding +2,362 +1,618 +1,556 -1,284 +0,339 -0,104
Limit on aggregate guarantee exposure under Export Financing Guarantees Act 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Utilisation of the guarantee exposure limit at 31 December 26,283 28,931 29,407 29,268 27,707


Total new guarantees issued 12,732 13,683 12,992 10,260 12,298 12,977


  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Bond market — Government bonds administered by OeKB - Nominal value 11,031 10,109 11,957 Austrian Government Bonds: 15,2

Austrian Treasury Bills: 7,4
Austrian Government Bonds: 14,9

Austrian Treasury Bills: 22,96
Austrian Government bonds: 17,4
Austrian Treasury Bills: 24,89
OeKB CSD Custody assets - Nominal value 326,422 319,307 358,482 401,414 435,733 465,416
     Number of units in millions 8,199 7,825 7,887 8,025 7,967 8,698
OeKB CSD Settlement volume - Nominal value 658,219 461,926 530,987 627,840 767,398 1,022,952
     Number of units in millions 8,191 6,869 8,271 8,799 8,724 7,044

Our reports were produced in-house with firesys.