As an Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM), as provided for by the EU Transparency Directive 2004/109/EC, OeKB operates the system for the central storage of issuer information. This information is accepted via the OeKB OAM Issuer Info, saved and made available again to the general public.

Our service: Convenient upload of regulated and optional information

As an issuer, you have to send regulated information to the OeKB, FMA and WBAG in accordance with Sec. 123 Austrian Stock Exchange Act. As a listed company, you can also transfer this task to a service provider.

In order to send the regulated information, and any other optional information, you can register to use the OAM Issuer Info Upload.

You can find this service at the following link:

OAM Issuer Info Upload (via my.oekb)

Testsystem (via login.oekb)

Registration and terms of use

To register, please find below the following link and also note the terms of use.

Registration for OAM Issuer Info Upload

Terms of use for issuers

Notifications via a service provider

The information can also be sent by your service provider. These include companies such as Bloomberg, Reuters, Österreichische Wertpapierdaten Service GmbH, pressetext, DGAP or Wiener Zeitung. Registration of the service provider is performed by the issuer.

OAM interface description for service providers

Free forwarding to FMA and WBAG

The regulated information have to be simultaneously sent to the Financial Market Authority (FMA) and Wiener Börse AG (WBAG). Our free forwarding function enables you to send the information you submit to OAM to FMA and WBAG at the same time. This allows you to complete all notifications in just a single step.

Instruction for forwarding

Regulated information

A requirement to save regulated information via OAM Issuer Info-Upload exists for listed issuers whose home member state is Austria. The data is structured, saved and then made available to the general public.

  • Annual financial reports; Sec 124 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Annual financial reports (ESEF); Sec 124 Stock Exchange Act, Art 4 (7) TD and DelReg (EU) 2019/815
  • Half-yearly financial reports; Sec 125 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Half-yearly financial reports (ESEF)
  • Universal registration document (URD); Art 9 (12) Regulation (EU) 2017/1129
  • Report on payments to governments; Sec 128 Stock Exchange Act
  • Inside information; Art 17 (1) MAR
  • Managers‘ transactions; Art 19 (3) MAR
  • Disclosures on buy-back programmes; Art 2 DelReg (EU) 2016/1052
  • Disclosures on stabilisation transactions; Art 6 DelReg (EU) 2016/1052
  • Total number of voting rights and capital; Sec 135 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Major shareholding participations; Sec 135 (2) Stock Exchange Act
  • Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's own shares; Sec 135 (3) Stock Exchange Act
  • Changes in the rights attaching to the classes of shares or securities; Sec 138 and 139 Stock Exchange Act
  • Home Member State; Sec 1 no 14 Stock Exchange Act

Issuers whose securities are admitted for trading have to send the regulated information by electronically uploading the document in XHTML (ESEF), pdf or txt format.

Optional information in the same system

In addition to the regulated information, issuers can also send us further, so-called optional information. The advantages are obvious: optional information is sent via the same system as the regulated information, thereby reducing the technical and administrative effort. As a customer, you also benefit from OeKB’s additional services.

  • Announcement of General Meeting; Sec 107 (3) Stock Corporation Act
  • Information on share options, buy-back programmes and sale of own shares; Sec 119 (9) Stock Exchange Act
  • Quarterly reports; Sec 126 Stock Exchange Act (from 23 February 2019)
  • Quarterly reports (ESEF)
  • General Meetings results
  • Other issuer and company information

Your advantages:

The free forwarding function to the FMA and WGAB saves you from having to send further data.

Via OAM Issuer Info Upload, you can use a single system for regulated and optional information.

The issuers’ journal offers a structured overview of the documents sent.

The fees

Basic price
per registered issuer/applicant for listing; for service and operation per year
€ 1357

Upload prices

- per annual financial report, half yearly financial report or quarterly report (in each case, in pdf-format)

- per annual financial report, half yearly financial report or quarterly report (in each case, in ESEF-format)

- per other issuer and company information

- per other document


€ 227


€ 323


€ 14

€ 136

Correction fee per document
for manual interventions, e.g. marking as “incorrect”, etc.)

€ 65

Prices are exclusive of value added tax. Billing takes place half-yearly in arrears on 30 June and 31 December.


Issuers, whose shares are listed on the Vienna MTF, market segment “direct market plus” or “direct market”, are exempted from the annual basis price.

Listings of further securities of these issuers on the Vienna MTF are also included in the exemption of the annual basis price.


If identical documents in German and English (or another language) are uploaded in a single step, this upload will only be billed once.


Frequently Asked Questions


In principle, yes. The system does not check whether the information is already available. However, each upload is billed for. For this reason, it is in your interest to avoid multiple submissions. Should an incorrect document have to be replaced, please let us know by sending an email to We can then mark the first, wrong document as “incorrect” and link it to the new document. In this case, we will charge only the correction fee and not the document upload price.

Yes, under the navigation point “Send document”, there is the block “Details on the first document”, and then another block “Details on the second document”, which can be shown by clicking on the small plus symbol. You can then fill in the fields for the second document, which is usually in English, and upload it together with the first document. In this case, you will also save costs by only being billed for a document upload.

Yes, which is as it should be. Copy all parts of your report including “Declaration of the Board” into one document and send only this complete document. The upload price is billed separately for every single partial document sent. However, if you upload everything at once, you will only be billed once.

Yes, if available, both financial statements should be uploaded separately (notification type “Annual financial reports”). Here again, however, both the German and the English versions can be sent in a single procedure.

Yes, the service provider usually offers this service as part of its publication function. Normally, the record of publication (VÖB) is also sent right away. You should therefore not have to additionally upload the document. Please note: if the document is sent twice, it will be billed twice. A quick check on the system can save costs.

The service provider which publishes the respective document for you will send you a confirmation, usually in the form of an email, immediately after publication, stating when and where the document or the publication announcement was sent within the scope of publication. This email is the record of publication. Save it as a txt or pdf and attach the document on the “Send document” screen during the upload.

No, the legislation stipulates that all sent documents must remain in the storage system in their original condition. You should therefore carefully check which documents you place in “OAM Issuer Info”. The only possibility, in exceptional circumstances, is to mark a wrong document as incorrect and to link it to the new, correct document.

Legal principles

Any more questions?

If you require further information, individual advice or technical support, please do not hesitate to contact us.
OAM Issuer Info Service Centre
T +43 1 53127-2300

Mon - Thu: 09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Fri: 09:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.