Diversity, equity and inclusion are crucial success factors for us. They enable us to overcome boundaries, strengthen our social skills and utilise new potential for creativity and innovation. We benefit from equal opportunities and an expanded diversity of perspectives, which inspires us and strengthens our collaboration with our customers.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
For us, diversity, equity & inclusion stands for a comprehensive approach to creating a diverse, fair and inclusive working environment.
We understand diversity to mean the similarities and differences that we encounter within OeKB Group and in our collaboration with our customers and other stakeholders. We cultivate an open approach to our diversity and regard it as potential. We see people as individuals whose different perspectives, achievements and experiences we recognise and value.
When it comes to equality, our aim is to create equal opportunities for all employees. It is important to us that everyone is treated fairly. Regardless of their individual background, everyone should have the same opportunities for success and development, e.g. in terms of promotion opportunities, salary and access to further training programmes.
Inclusion aims to ensure that all people in a society can live alongside and with each other on an equal footing. Regardless of age, skin colour, disability, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin, everyone should be fully and equally included. We want to break down barriers that put certain groups at a disadvantage and emphasise a working environment that promotes the active participation and involvement of everyone.
We live a corporate culture in which everyone has the right to be who they are and to be respected in the same way. Respect stands for our attitude of not tolerating discrimination. All employees should have the same opportunities to make their individual contribution to the company's goals and realise their potential.
We are committed to acceptance and tolerance in our teams and in our collaboration with our stakeholders. In doing so, we are guided by our values: responsibility, passion, eye level, curiosity and trust.
We appreciate our differences and peculiarities as people. This has a positive effect on trust, loyalty and team spirit in our teams and we become more creative, innovative and resilient.
Social responsibility and competitive advantage
We are committed to diversity, equity & inclusion out of social and corporate responsibility. We regard it as essential to create a corporate culture in which all people feel recognized and treated fairly.
Studies show that diversity, equity & inclusion result in increased employee satisfaction, more loyalty and innovation through variety and increased commitment. Therefore, they also have an economic benefit for the OeKB Group, for our customers and our partners.
Gender equality
Gender equality has been important to us for a long time. We regard it as crucial for resilience and sustainable economic success.
So it goes without saying that we make our personnel decisions exclusively on the basis of social and professional qualifications and skills. Our remuneration policy is based on strict gender equality, with the same payment for the same performance.
We create transparency by publishing starting salaries and salary bands on the intranet as well as in job advertisements. We also publish figures on new entrants and fluctuation of employees broken down by gender in our Sustainability Report. Moreover, we strive for a gender balanced composition of the Executive and Supervisory Boards.
To promote future female managers, we have launched talent programs with a 50 percent share of women and support the appointment of women as project managers.
We actively participate in initiatives such as the UN Global Compact's Target Gender Equality to continually improve in this area. OeKB and OeEB are also signatories of the Women Empowerment Principles which have been jointly established by UN Women and UN Global Compact for the empowerment of women and non-binary people in companies.
Work-life balance
Participation in initiatives such as the "workandfamily" audit as well as targeted measures for the compatibility of work and private life are an essential part of our activities to promote women.
We allow remote work, flexitime with no core hours, educational leave, sabbaticals, part-time paternal leave for fathers and mothers and have an onboarding programme after longer absences. For young parents, we offer childcare vouchers for daycare and kindergarten places.
Acknowledged promotion of women
For our impactful measures for the sustainable advancement of women within OeKB Group, we have been awarded the quality seal equalitA by the Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs.