The Republic of Austria defines benchmark government bonds as the issuer. The following government bonds are defined as benchmarks over the entire maturity spectrum as per 31 October 2024.

Benchmark ISIN Coupon (%) Issue
3 months AT0000A3BPY0 - ATB 2025-01-30
6 months AT0000A3DV02 - ATB 2025-04-24
1 year AT0000A1FAP5 1.20 Bundesanleihe 2015-2025/1
2 years AT0000A1K9C8 0.75 Bundesanleihe 2016-2026/1
3 years AT0000A1ZGE4 0.75 Bundesanleihe 2018-2028/1
4 years AT0000A269M8 0.50 Bundesanleihe 2019-2029/1
5 years AT0000A2CQD2 0.00 Bundesanleihe 2020-2030/1
6 years AT0000A38239 3.45 Bundesanleihe 2023-2030/4
7 years AT0000A2NW83 0.00 Bundesanleihe 2021-2031/1
8 years AT0000A2WSC8 0.90 Bundesanleihe 2022-2032/2
9 years AT0000A324S8 2.90 Bundesanleihe 2023-2033/1
10 years AT0000A39UW5 2.90 Bundesanleihe 2024-2034/1
15 years AT0000A2KQ43 0.00 Bundesanleihe 2020-2040/5
20 years AT0000A0VRQ6 3.15 Bundesanleihe 2012-2044/4
25 years AT0000A2EJ08 0.75 Bundesanleihe 2020-2051/3
30 years AT0000A33SK7 3.15 Bundesanleihe 2023-2053/3
40 years AT0000A0U299 3.80 Bundesanleihe 2012-2062/1
50 years AT0000A2QQB6 0.70 Bundesanleihe 2021-2071/2
60 years AT0000A1PEF7 1.50 Bundesanleihe 2016-2086/4
95 years AT0000A2HLC4 0.85 Bundesanleihe 2020-2120/4

Benchmark changed on 31 October 2024

Any more questions?

If you would like more detailed information or an individual consultation on our range of data, do not hesitate to contact us.
Auction Agent for Austrian Government Bonds
T +43 1 53127-1315