The OeKB operates OAM Issuer Info, the central platform for information about listed issuers. The regulated information in accordance with Sec. 123 Stock Exchange Act can be retrieved free of charge on OAM Issuer Info as can optional information.

Free information about Austrian issuers

Austrian listed issuers have to send their information to OeKB via the online platform OAM Issuer Info Upload, where it is structured and saved in a fail-safe manner.

The information can be accessed by the general public free of charge and in the original condition.

Open platform with lots of functions

OAM Issuer Info is an online platform that can be accessed without a login. An easy to understand search function allows information to be quickly found. The documents can be downloaded using the download function.

OAM mail service for instant messages

With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can set up a free OAM mail service on OAM Issuer Info, where you can specify the criteria yourself. As soon as information is received from your subscribed issuer or document type, you will be sent a message by email.

The benefits of OAM Issuer Info at a glance

Free, simple, unlimited access to original documents with download function

Search and request all information without login or local software installation

Flexible search options by documents, issuers, keywords, LEI, ISIN references of the documents, document languages and notification dates

Optional information as additional content

In addition to the mandatory information, such as annual financial reports or ad-hoc notifications, any optionally sent information, such as announcements of the general meeting or interest rate adjustments, can be retrieved via OAM Issuer Info.

Regulated and optional information on OAM Issuer Info

  • Annual financial reports; Sec 124 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Annual financial reports (ESEF); Sec 124 Stock Exchange Act, Art 4 (7) TD and DelReg (EU) 2019/815
  • Half-yearly financial reports; Sec 125 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Half-yearly financial reports (ESEF)
  • Universal registration document (URD); Art 9 (12) Regulation (EU) 2017/1129
  • Report on payments to governments; Sec 128 Stock Exchange Act
  • Inside information; Art 17 (1) MAR
  • Managers‘ transactions; Art 19 (3) MAR
  • Disclosures on buy-back programmes; Art 2 DelReg (EU) 2016/1052
  • Disclosures on stabilisation transactions; Art 6 DelReg (EU) 2016/1052
  • Total number of voting rights and capital; Sec 135 (1) Stock Exchange Act
  • Major shareholding participations; Sec 135 (2) Stock Exchange Act
  • Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's own shares; Sec 135 (3) Stock Exchange Act
  • Changes in the rights attaching to the classes of shares or securities; Sec 138 and 139 Stock Exchange Act
  • Home Member State; Sec 1 no 14 Stock Exchange Act
  • e
  • Announcement of General Meeting; Sec 107 (3) Stock Corporation Act
  • Information on share options, buy-back programmes and sale of own shares; Sec 119 (9) Stock Exchange Act
  • Quarterly reports; Sec 126 Stock Exchange Act (from 23 February 2019)
  • Quarterly reports (ESEF)
  • General Meetings results
  • Other issuer and company information

You can find further information under the menu item “Notifications of listed issuers – OAM”.

Legal background

The amendment to the Stock Exchange Act of April 2007 converted the EU Transparency Directive 2004/109/EC into national law. OeKB set up the platform OAM Issuer Info as a central source for information about Austrian listed issuers on the basis of this.

Any more questions?

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
OAM Issuer Info Service Centre
T +43 1 53127-2300

Mon - Thu: 09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Fri: 09:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.