We respect national laws and international regulations in equal measure and treat the environment and society with respect and a high degree of responsibility. Due to our special position as a private group of companies with a public mandate, we are measured according to special standards. We are guided by the principles of the "Austrian Corporate Governance Code", although the shares of OeKB AG are not listed on the stock exchange and therefore there is no obligation to do so.

Anti-corruption in the OeKB Group

Definition of corruption

Corruption is defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private benefit or advantage. (Transparency International, 2021)

  • Employees of the OeKB Group are not public officials within the meaning of the definition of corruption criminal law. However, due to its central position on the Austrian capital market and in its role for the Austrian export and tourism industry as well as in development policy, the OeKB Group requires its employees to comply with the provisions of the criminal law on corruption applicable to public officials.
  • There are clear directives and guidelines for this in the OeKB Group. Regular training measures are taken.
  • The ultimate responsibility lies with the management (boards). 
  • The OeKB Group does not make any contributions to political parties and does not engage in lobbying. 
  • A sponsorship concept is in place.

Zero-tolerance policy and Code of Conduct

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, the OeKB Group has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards illegal or unethical business practices, especially bribery and corruption. Membership in "Transparency International Austria" underlines our stance on zero tolerance for corruption.

Corruption prevention in the export business

In its business with exporting companies, OeKB is subject to the anti-corruption regulations required by the OECD. You can read here which test procedures are used here and what measures we are taking.

Internal guidelines 

The OeKB Group's anti-corruption measures are based on internal guidelines, which are accessible to all employees on the intranet.

Gifts and invitations

Gifts in the form of cash and vouchers may not be accepted or granted, regardless of the value. Small local and national customary gifts are permitted, provided that they are of minor value. 


All employees and the management of the OeKB Group are trained on the prevailing anti-corruption measures and the Code of Conduct and are informed about their respective responsibilities within the organization.