Investment companies can report their portfolio data and data for supervisory notifications to the OeKB Fund Data Portal in the international standardised FundsXML format. Authorised users can download this data in the way defined in advance by the investment company.

Your situation: You want to report portfolio data quickly and securely

You are responsible for an investment company and want to find out about the exchange of portfolio data and data for supervisory notifications.

With the least possible effort, you want to make this data available easily, securely and quickly to your partners - such as data vendors or investors - in the international standardised FundsXML format or exchange this data with other investment companies.

Our service: Secure, fast data transmission in the OeKB Fund Data Portal

Investment companies transfer their fund data in the internationally standardised FundsXML format via the electronic platform OeKB Fund Data Portal. The transfer can also be performed with a Java client.
The respective fund data is uploaded once and can, depending on the granting of authorisation by the investment company, be viewed and downloaded by various participants on the OeKB Fund Data Portal. Data sovereignty remains with the respective investment companies.
The associated authorisation system reduces the administrative effort considerably. The fund data is made available to the extent specified by you, depending on the recipient. Moreover, a time delay before forwarding the data can also be set for each addressee.
We are continually developing this portal further in order to meet the demands of investment companies for new applications and flexible solutions.

OeKB Fund Data Portal (via my.oekb)

Standardised exchange of fund data

The electronic exchange of portfolio data and data for supervisory notifications such as MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), PRIIP (key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products), Solvency II, KIID (Key Investor Information Document) and EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation) is gaining in importance, especially due to the continuous growth in transparency requirements for investments and legislative regulations for investment companies.
The OeKB Fund Data Portal is also used for the supervisory notification of all Austrian funds to the Austrian National Bank (aggregated ECB-IF notification, ECB-IF individual security notification).
Using this service enables complex contractual structures to be simplified with OeKB as the sole contractual partner. OeKB therefore forms the central interface with suppliers and customers.

The exchange of data works as displayed below.

The standardised exchange of fund data
You can find further information on the OeKB Fund Data Portal here:

OeKB Fund Data Portal product sheet

OeKB Fund Data Portal presentation

High security

The release of and access to the data can be controlled in detail and specifically by an authorisation concept by the organisation providing the information.

The logging of all upload and download procedures at OeKB also ensures that requirement documentation obligations are adhered to and that access can always be traced.
Both the sending and the retrieval of data can take place directly in the OeKB Fund Data Portal itself or via the Java client.

Costs, terms of use and registration

You can find the prices for the OeKB Fund Data Portal in the price list, which you can download in PDF format. Please also note the conditions of use.

Conditions of Use OeKB Fund Data Portal applicable until 16 Jan 2025

Conditions of Use OeKB Fund Data Portal applicable from 17 Jan 2025

DORA Addendum applicable from 17 Jan 2025


Registration for the OeKB Fund Data Portal

In order to register for the OeKB Fund Data Portal, please send us the completed registration form, signed with a corporate signature, by post to the Funds Service Centre. We will then register as requested, and send you the necessary access details and technical information for the Java client.

Registration form

User administration

In order to set up, organise and revoke user rights as an administrator, please send us the completed and signed form by email to We will then make any adjustments necessary and send you the access details, if required.

User administration


It is absolutely necessary that management companies which no longer wish to use the OeKB Fund Data Portal notify the OeKB Service Center Funds of this fact. As long as such deregistration does not take place, the fee provided for in Annex 5 will be charged, even if the OeKB Fund Data Portal is not used.
The corresponding form can be found here:

Deregistration form

Any more questions?

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us

Funds Service Centre
T +43 1 53127-2040
Mo - Fr: 08:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.

Information about and link to FundsXML