As an Austrian export company that wants to provide deliveries or services on a continous basis to a foreign customer or would like to conclude many individual contracts, you can use the G5 guarantee to ensure that your customer does not fulfill his contractual obligations. 

Guarantee G5: comprehensive protection, lean conditions

With the guarantee G5, you can protect yourself against late payment, non-payment and contract cancellation by your foreign contractual partner. In addition to commercial risks you can cover political risks, e.g. war, embargo or foreign currency transfer restrictions to Austria as well.

As an Austrian exporter, you limit possible financial damage from the commercial and political risks of your foreign business. 

Key facts at a glance

  • In the event of a claim, you are on the safe side - from a minimum limit of 1,500 EUR
  • The guarantee is intended for short-term payment terms, usually up to 180 days. In exceptional cases, payment terms of up to 360 days can be secured.
  • high coverage rates: political risk 95 - 100%, commercial risk usually 95%
  • We also protect politically difficult countries.
  • also available in foreign currency
  • Basis for OeKB export financing through your bank at favorable conditions (KCL interest rate)
  • easily calculable costs, invoicing quarterly in arrears
  • simple processing - the best way to do this is to send us your application by e-mail 

The application form and the general terms and conditions (GTC) for the guarantee G5 can be found on this page: 

You are a new customer?

If you are a new customer, we need the SEPA direct debit mandate and the acknowledgement of the respective guarantee terms and conditions from you once.

Contact us!

If you require more detailed information or an individual consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Client Advisory Export Services
T +43 1 53127-2600