Should your foreign client demand a bank guarantee, your bank requires security. With a guarantee by aval, the Republic of Austria assumes part of the domestic risk.

With an export guarantee, you can also cover political risks and potential commercial risks (unfair calling).

Fact Sheet on Assumption of risk for bank guarantees

Your situation

You are an Austrian company and your foreign client requires a bank guarantee:

  •  Bid bond
  •  Down-payment bond
  •  Performance bond
  •  Warranty bond

Our service: Guarantees by aval

When you receive a bank guarantee (aval) from your bank, it can burden your credit line, which can limit your financial leeway.

With a guarantee by aval,  some of your bank’s risk – usually 20 to 50% can be taken. This increases your liquidity and security.

Transparent Gif

Your benefits:

A guarantee by aval increases your financial flexibility.

Even possible for small contract amounts.

Available for single or framework guarantees by aval.

The costs

Aval fee starting at 0.2% p.a
One-off processing fee 0.1% of the risk amount to be assumed (minimum 10 euros, maximum 720 euros)


How to get a guarantee by aval

  1. You bank makes an application.
  2. Check and approval
  3. The Republic of Austria assumes liability.

Even more security with an export guarantee

While a guarantee by aval partially covers the domestic risk, your bank guarantee can also be covered against political risks and in the event of unfair callings.

If, for example, a bank guarantee is used lawfully (fair calling), as an embargo against your buyer country that is binding for Austria makes it impossible to fulfil the contract, the political risk affecting your bank guarantees can be covered.

The G7 guarantee is a perfect addition to a G1 guarantee for deliveries and services, which covers your project from the production phase to the last payment.

Here you can find out more about the G1 guarantee (Supplier Credit).

The costs

Handling fee  0.1% of the sum insured
(minimum 10 euros, maximum 720 euros)

0,2 - 1% p.a
The premium depends on the OECD classification of the target country

Country information
Premium calculator

In the case of economic coverage, a supplement of at least 10% is added to the premium.

Any more questions?

If you require more detailed information or an individual consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Client Advisory Export Services
T +43 1 53127-2600

Claim processing

If your rights under/out of bank guarantees covered by federal guarantee are threatened with withdrawal or non-payment due to political Events, please contact us immediatly.